I decided that since it was a hot day, that I'd find something simple in the backyard garden and focus on what Kevin was trying to teach us at the workshop. The scene selected was this one....

I started by studying the shadow area in the scene and laying in a basic foundation.

Not a bad, simple representation. There's a strong statement of shadow in the the picture above. A good start.
I worked quickly and focused on trying to ask the questions...lighter? Darker? Warmer? Cooler? with each color note I mixed and put onto the canvas. After two hours and a ton of sweat I had this simple little study.

If and when I convert this study to a painting, I'd probably change the composition a bit. Little things like taking the Clematis off the page tothe right, move the containers/flower pots and make them the area of focus. There are some areas of the clematis that is too dark and need some fixing. The shadow area of the clematis could be widen--more space between the containers/flower pots and the shadow area of the clemetis giving it more balanced.
However, the study provides good color notes for the converting of the study to a painting. I like the splashes of color of the flowers and in the finished painting would allow for a little more refinement. That's when the photograph comes into play in your conversion from the study. Use the study for color note reference and the photograph for detail.
All in all a good day!