Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5th--All I can say is they are interesting....

As I was telling my friend on the phone on the way back from the painting session today--all I can say about my plein air studies are they are interesting....with the emphasis on interesting!

It was a beautiful day to be outside and I'm glad I was there. Warm sunlight bathing the water of the pond at Smith Park--caressing the trees as well. The ducks and geese were--well just a tad bit frisky...well it is spring after all! A number of people were walking, fishing and enjoying the park. Smith Park is by Hook airfield in Middletown. A number of pilots were getting their hours in and the corporate jets were taking off as well. A gorgeous day for flying, hiking, fishing and painting! It must have added to the good mood, because today I wasn't as frustrated as yesterday.

I still need to refine the color notes. I'm still not happy with the result on the canvas. I used my palette knife to mix the initial shadow colors, then switched to mixing with my brush as I started to lay in the shadows--concentrating on what I was seeing and getting those shadow areas down.

The composition I choose was better. I kept it relatively simple...the pond, some tree trunks...but reflecting back...I think I forgot to pick one focal point. Overall the scene is a nice one...but I'm not sure just what drew me to draw it. That in itself tells me that there wasn't something overwhelming catching my eye. Since I didn't identify a focal point, the end result of the study was that it was an average result. No real interest to keep you in the painting and wandering around. strike.

Overall, I'm entirely too dark for the colors that I saw outside today. Am I looking at too much detail and trying to capture too much? Since I started laying in the shadows first, the result is that the studies are too dark. When I was painting last year outside, I was entirely too light. There's got to be a happy medium somewhere in here! hmmm...two strikes...

I need to remember to pack my camera and the OFF!! I wasn't as frustrated today..and I didn't freak out when a big ole black ant decided to crawl down my arm and into my hand holding my brush. The reason I need the OFF! I know insects are a part of the earth--but I just rather they stay on their own territory!

There was a steady flow of spectators/passer-bys that were supportive and made being out there fun. That's a major plus of painting outside. People will come up and check out what you are painting and most will offer advice, support or at some time guess at what you are painting. Some will even venture a critique or two. This is always good--gives you another perspective, another set of eyes, to view your painting through. So for everyone who stopped today and talked with me--thanks! It was fun meeting you and I'll be back down there trying to capture this pond a number of times in the coming weeks. Please continue to say hello and talk to me. You are part of the experience!!

I'm actually considering just taking a day and mixing colors outside. Just trying to push myself to get the color notes right. It might make for an interesting exercise.

I'm just glad at this point that it was a beautiful day!! No complaints here.
I'm learning...


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