My Mock Orange tree is in full bloom and just gorgeous. It's located on the corner of my house, by the garage, and it actually makes for a nice little scene.
When I took the snap at the beginning of the session, I forgot that my camera was on the black and white setting. Here's the photo:

I didn't paint exactly what was in the photo. I edited out some things to focus on the mock orange and the wall and lamp behind it. Here's the finished painting photo:

It's the worst plein air painting I've done. It's not the best either. A few questions come to mind. Things like, "would it have been more interesting if I had added back in a little of the grass area and driveway? Is the blue really what I saw, or did I just go that way because it was easy?
Here's the color photo of the area at the end of the session:

I can't say how much I'm looking forward to painting in Taos in Kevin Macpherson's workshop. So many questions, so little time! ;-) As I look at the color photo, other things jump out like not bringing the branches of the Mock Orange over to the wall. But all in all, the greens are better and the chroma of the whole painting is better as well.
Next session will be Friday. Thursday is jammed packed with hanging my one-person show at the Middletown Art Center and teaching at the center as well.
Till next time,
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